Lakeside Morning Coffee Run

Mark's Point Post Office & Café 80 Marks Point Road, Marks Point, NSW, Australia

The Lakeside Morning Coffee Run is a meet-up for Coffee somewhere around Lake Macquarie. It is a short event, just an hour for coffee and a chat, so you have plenty of time in the rest of your day. This month the Lakeside Morning Coffee Run is to the Post Office Café at Marks Point … Continue reading Lakeside Morning Coffee Run

Square Riggers Lunch

Café Inu, Carrington 43 Denison Street, Carrington, New South Wales, Australia

Monthly Square Riggers Lunch & Natter

Newcastle Machines & Macchiatos

291 On King 291 King Street, Newcastle, NSW, Australia

We have an invitation for Club Members to attend the monthly Newcastle Machines & Macchiatos. $5.50 entry per car to raise funds for charity. See the Website link for details and how to register.

Committee Meeting

Clubrooms 68 Elder Street, Lambton, NSW, Australia

Monthly Committee Meeting

Club Night

Clubrooms 68 Elder Street, Lambton, NSW, Australia

Monthly Club Night. Our guest speaker tonight is Duncan McDougall who will give a talk about his Perth MGB trip.

Midweek Run

Pelican RSL 1 Piriwal Street, Pelican, NSW, Australia

Mid Week Gathering at Pelican R.S.L.. Arrive approx. 11.30 for 12 lunch. Contact Kay Bowden if you are attending.

MGCC Newcastle Hillclimb A3 M TS6

Ringwood Park Ringwood Park Motor Complex, Italia Road, Balickera, New South Wales, Australia

“MGCC Newcastle” Hillclimb Ringwood Park. 7:30 am – Scrutineering 8:45 am – Briefing 9:00 am – Start Please contact Gary Piper for more details.

Christmas Toy Run & Presentation Lunch

Clubrooms 68 Elder Street, Lambton, NSW, Australia

  View and/or download the run sheet here. The Clubman Run to Rathmines will depart the Lambton Clubrooms at 10.30am sharp so this will give everyone time for a coffee fix nearby. Our 50min run will take us through Teralba, out through Wakefield skirting the M1 for a brisk run down to Ryhope. From there … Continue reading Christmas Toy Run & Presentation Lunch

MGCC Newcastle Regularity Hillclimb M

Ringwood Park Ringwood Park Motor Complex, Italia Road, Balickera, New South Wales, Australia

“MGCC Newcastle” Hillclimb Ringwood Park. 7:30 am – Scrutineering 8:45 am – Briefing 9:00 am – Start Please contact Gary Piper for more details.

Lakeside Morning Coffee Run

Mark's Point Post Office & Café 80 Marks Point Road, Marks Point, NSW, Australia

The Lakeside Morning Coffee Run is a meet-up for Coffee somewhere around Lake Macquarie. It is a short event, just an hour for coffee and a chat, so you have plenty of time in the rest of your day. This month the Lakeside Morning Coffee Run is to the Post Office Café at Marks Point … Continue reading Lakeside Morning Coffee Run

Tuning Run – Final of 2024!

The Farmers Wife Distillery 1378 The Bucketts Way, Allworth, NSW, Australia

This is a destination Tuning Run where you make your own way to The Farmer's Wife Distillery in Allworth, up The Bucketts Way. Arrive at 10:30 for Brunch. Please confirm your attendance with Austin, so he can book a table. Follow this link for the location map -