GEAR Meeting

Pheasants Wood Circuit 8 Prairie Oak Road, Marulan, New South Wales, Australia

GEAR Meeting @ Pheasant Wood Raceway Marulan

Committee Meeting

Clubrooms 68 Elder Street, Lambton, NSW, Australia

Monthly Committee Meeting

Club Night

Clubrooms 68 Elder Street, Lambton, NSW, Australia

Our special Guest Speaker is John Hunt from Port Stephens, who will talk about his car collection and his Borgward Isabella.

Midweek Run

Toronto Hotel 74 Victory Parade, Toronto, NSW, Australia

Mid Week Gathering at the Toronto Hotel. Arrive approx. 11.30 for 12 lunch. Contact Kay Bowden if you are attending. Follow this link for the location map -

Tuning Run

Details TBA. Please arrive fully-fuelled and ready to go at 9:00 am SHARP.